Sunday 7th April 24
Eddie Copeland (secretary)
Jimmy Lewis (chairman)
Ian Harrison (newsletter editor)
Eddie Cartwright (welfare officer)
Gemma Cooke (treasurer)
Ian Baynham (committee member)
Gavin Stirrup (committee member)
Stefan Roczniak ( website manager)
M.E.B.A. Members
Phil O’Hare
Bob Hulin
Zion Walsh
Geoff Hunter
Rocky Roberts
Steve Connellan
Rose Connellan
Jamie and Helen Lewis
Pete Fillingham
Pete Mac
Mike Whalley
Billy O’brian
Matt Bianco
Roy Prescott
Roger Bailey
Stewart McKeam
Rodger Kirwin
Dave Chapman
Tyrell Jones and Lisa king
Russ Arrowsmith
John Pollard
Steve Foster
Jamie and Niamh Cooke
next meeting
Sunday 5th May 24
Quiz and Buffet
Hope to see everyone